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第16届年度多样性问题丛书横幅与各种颜色的图像. OPE电子竞技官网 emblem in pink and white.

Diversity Matters Book Series

OPE电子竞技官网’s Diversity Matters Book Series began in 2008. 每年9月至6月,由4-5本专题书籍组成. 我们鼓励观众阅读这本书,并与指定的领导者一起参与讨论. It is not required to read the book to attend the discussion. Limited copies of the books are available in the OPE电子竞技官网 library.

Participation for all programs is free and open to the public.


由St . College校友关系高级总监Katty Petak领导的讨论. Mary

American Ferrera has always felt wholly American, and yet, 她的身份与她父母的祖国和洪都拉斯文化有着千丝万缕的联系. Speaking Spanish at home, 周六早上在厨房举行萨尔萨舞派对,圣诞节吃玉米粉蒸肉和苹果派,这似乎从未与她的美国身份发生冲突.  
In American Like Me, America invites 31 of her friends, 同辈和英雄们分享不同文化之间的生活故事. 我们知道他们是演员、喜剧演员、运动员、政治家、艺术家和作家. However they are also immigrants, children or grandchildren of immigrants, 土著人或在成长过程中与不止一种文化有着深厚的个人联系的人. 每个人都在努力建立自我意识,找到归属感和被看到的感觉. 他们热情地、勉强地或根本不称自己为美国人.

View the discussion again at American Like Me


讨论由加拿大阿尔伯塔省卡多特湖学校国际教师Naushad Mostafa主持

Wednesday, December 13
3-4 p.m. CST
View the discussion again at The Brown Boy 

In a tough neighborhood on the outskirts of Toronto, miles from the wealth white downtown, 作为第一代巴基斯坦穆斯林男孩,奥默·阿齐兹努力寻找自己的位置. 他害怕周围世界的暴力和绝望,看到前面有一条危险的道路, succumbing to aimlessness, apathy and rage. In his senior year of high school, 奥默很快开始意识到教育可以打开更广阔的世界. 他爱上了书,并去了安大略省的皇后大学. 阿齐兹纠结于感觉自己是他者和渴望属于一个从未完全接受他的西方世界之间的矛盾.


由Tulani Grundy-Meadows领导的讨论,OPE电子竞技官网人际关系/政治学学院

Thursday, January 4, 2024
10-11 a.m. CST
View the discussion again at A Most Tolerant Little Town 

蕾切尔·马丁是南方口述历史项目的志愿者, was sent to a small town in Tennessee, 当地人想在那里建一座博物馆来纪念9月11日的事件. 1956, 克林顿高中成为前邦联第一所接受法院强制废除种族隔离的学校. She finds that many in the community did not want to talk, stating “there was a lot of ugliness down at the school that year; best we just move on and forget it”

多年后,她回去了解克林顿的白人居民不想被人记住的事情. She interviewed over 60 townsfolk, 包括首批废除克林顿高中种族隔离制度的12名学生. 她将十几个视角编织在一起,描绘了一个经历了美国动荡转折点的小镇.


Discussion led by Jeannette Eileen Jones, Ph.D. Happold Professor of History and Ethnic Studies; Director, 19th Century Studies Program, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Thursday, March 21, 2024
6:30-7:30 p.m. CDT

在中部航道期间,女战士策划并领导了奴隶船上的叛乱. They fought their enslavers throughout the Americas. And then they were erased from history.

Wake tells the “riveting” (Angela Y. Davis) story of Dr. 丽贝卡·霍尔,历史学家,奴隶的孙女,一个被奴隶制遗留问题困扰的女人. 公认的奴隶起义历史总是告诉她,被奴役的妇女处于次要地位. But Rebecca decides to look deeper, and her journey takes her through old court records, slave ship captain’s logs, crumbling correspondence, 甚至还有从曼哈顿“黑人墓地”发现的被奴役妇女的骨头中提取的法医证据. She finds women warriors everywhere.
Using a “remarkable blend of passion and fact, action and reflection” (NPR), Rebecca constructs the likely pasts of Adono and Alele, women rebels who fought for freedom during the Middle Passage, 以及在纽约殖民时期领导奴隶起义的女性的故事. 我们也跟随丽贝卡自己的故事,因为奴隶制的遗产塑造了她的生活, 无论是作为一名成功的律师,还是后来成为一名历史学家,寻找困扰她的过去.

虚拟讨论:地球守护者:对美国土地的反思. Scott Momaday

Discussion led by Brady DeSanti, Ph.D. 拉克·库尔特·奥里耶斯·奥吉布,美国原住民研究主任,  

Tuesday, April 16, 2024
12:30-1:30 p.m. CDT
Watch Earth Keeper: Reflections on the American Land by N. Scott Momaday again

莫马迪反思了他的家乡及其对他的人民的影响. He shares stories and memories throughout his life, stories that have been passed down through generations, 这些故事揭示了与美国风景的深刻精神联系以及对自然世界的敬畏. He offers an homage and a warning. The earth is a sacred place of wonder and beauty, 它是力量和治愈的源泉,必须在为时已晚之前得到尊重和保护.

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住宿:由于残疾需要住宿的观众必须联系国际/跨文化教育,, 531-622-2253 at least two weeks prior to the program.

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